A few months ago, I joined an on-line support group for people with Parkinson's. There's about 5,000 members from around the world but as the language is English, I'd say the majority of members are from the UK and North America. Each day, there are at least a few dozen posts ranging from "good morning" wishes, to ruminations on pain and symptoms, queries about medications, and discussion starters. There always seems to be someone contributing the joke-of-the-day, the craft-of-the-day or the inspirational-poster-of-the-day. There's the ever-present optimist and the omni-present pessimist. The faces aren't always the same as most come and go as time and interest permits. I'm like this as well. I appreciate the administrators of this site for the work they do to keep it moving along on a steady course despite none of us with PD are what one might call particularly steady!
At any rate, recently another one of the members from Canada posted a comment that caught my eye. He asked for people to share "one positive thing that came from having PD in your life". This struck me as a different take on living with PD and one that presented a chance for reflection. But it also struck me that the results of such reflection had benefits not only to those with PD but to those in the much broader world who don't have PD (or other serious health concerns at present). It gives such persons a window in the world in which those of us with PD, and our families around us, live.
I am sensitive to the fact that some people who have contributed to the on-line discussion in the support group may not wish to share their comments outside that group. In an effort to address this,and still reap the benefits I've described above, here's a sampling of the responses received (names removed and content edited to protect anonymity) to give you a sense of what people had to say. I have endeavoured to leave nothing in the submissions that could identify individuals outside the group. I thank those who contributed and hope that you may find it interesting.
CK - I have more free time
SF - Patience!
EA - PD has made me a better person,I found strength that I never knew I had and it taught me lessons in humility and how to be a warrior for hope and strength of character.
EK - It's changed my life for the good in many ways. I'm closer to my friends and family. I've found my soulmate, discovered many new interests and had the time to use my creativity. Most of all it's made me realise how precious life is and make the most of every day.
TW - compassion.
BF - the one thing that i do like is some of the vivid dreams that i have. they are almost real and i feel so much peace in them i dont want to wake up EL - PD slowed me down enough to discover who I am, what I truly desire, and brought me closer to God. HH - That is positive thinking. Like you I now spend more time with my husband. Move a little slower than before not able to do some of the things I use to do however I enjoy our time together. Some good days and some not so good days.
MS -I would love to be more upbeat, but I've yet to see anything positive come out of this.
At any rate, recently another one of the members from Canada posted a comment that caught my eye. He asked for people to share "one positive thing that came from having PD in your life". This struck me as a different take on living with PD and one that presented a chance for reflection. But it also struck me that the results of such reflection had benefits not only to those with PD but to those in the much broader world who don't have PD (or other serious health concerns at present). It gives such persons a window in the world in which those of us with PD, and our families around us, live.
I am sensitive to the fact that some people who have contributed to the on-line discussion in the support group may not wish to share their comments outside that group. In an effort to address this,and still reap the benefits I've described above, here's a sampling of the responses received (names removed and content edited to protect anonymity) to give you a sense of what people had to say. I have endeavoured to leave nothing in the submissions that could identify individuals outside the group. I thank those who contributed and hope that you may find it interesting.
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CK - I have more free time
SF - Patience!
EA - PD has made me a better person,I found strength that I never knew I had and it taught me lessons in humility and how to be a warrior for hope and strength of character.
EK - It's changed my life for the good in many ways. I'm closer to my friends and family. I've found my soulmate, discovered many new interests and had the time to use my creativity. Most of all it's made me realise how precious life is and make the most of every day.
TW - compassion.
BF - the one thing that i do like is some of the vivid dreams that i have. they are almost real and i feel so much peace in them i dont want to wake up EL - PD slowed me down enough to discover who I am, what I truly desire, and brought me closer to God. HH - That is positive thinking. Like you I now spend more time with my husband. Move a little slower than before not able to do some of the things I use to do however I enjoy our time together. Some good days and some not so good days.